Today I finished designing a new pattern for a bear. The bears that I have made so far have ranged from 13 inches-15 inches and after realising this, I decided to challenge myself. So I have designed a smaller bear...and blimey - it is small! Not in the minbi-bear category at all, I imagine he/she will be around 10 inches from head to tippy toes but it will still be an interesting bear to create.
Now that I have finished designing I can get on with making the bear...oh wait, no I cant...I don't have any fur :(. However, I am not at a loss as Hugglets is fast approach (T-3 days!) and I intend to spend all of my saved money on furs, joints, eyes, filling etc. to last me at least a month. With this bear being quite small, I expect to use a smaller amount of material as well, so I may have some money left over for a small bear :)
3 days is a long time when you are itching to make a bear. So if I have the time, I will start to design my next idea so it is ready when I need it - an easter bunny. I had no idea on how to start designing a bunny, so I have been studying various bear bunnies, patterns and pictures of real bunnies to get an idea of the shape of the head. I have ideas on the rest of the bunny as well (long, big feet and short little arms, how sweet!) so it is just a case of trying to get my ideas down on paper (took me about 20 attempts to draw a leg out last night!!!)
My eyes are getting tired, I will leave my blogging for another day - probably Sunday after Hugglets although I officially start my new job on Monday so I may need an early night!!
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